Monday, June 13, 2011

Semi-Permanently Grounded

Well I did not expect my piloting career to end like this. Shortly after the more or less crippling pod driver update my pilot's license expired. Being in bad standings with CONCORD, and with no way of bribing a CONCORD official or buying a new license off the market, I am unable to interface with my pod. I plug in...and nothing. Nothing.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


As many capsuleers are aware, regular updates are made to the pod's hardware drivers. The most recent batch of drivers has left me more or less unable to pilot; every time I jump into a system I experience fluttering vision, a momentary black-out, and then I find myself floating around in pod goo, unable to control a damned thing on my ship. Of course I unplug myself and then re-plug into the pod's interface and things are back to normal within a few moments, but it is in these few seconds that my ship is incredibly vulnerable. Because of this I have been effectively grounded until the software is fixed.

At the time of writing this, I am stuck in the True Creations station in RLDS-R. I guess I'll need to find some True Citizen girls to chase around and court...