I need to get away for awhile. Very few people seem to have any sort of confidence or trust in me. Some in Electus Matari still think I'm a Sansha spy. Kikia says I'm to blame for her feelings of isolation. So...there are perhaps two, maybe only one, people (or person) that really understand me and where I'm coming from. That's fine....not really. I love the family that Teraa Matar has become. So I will keep going on and studying for my Voluval. In a Dream. The real world is just stupidly hostile and distracting for the moment, and according to folks it's my fault. So the solution is simple: retreat from the scene for a bit and wisen up. So I'll be spending roughly a week connected to a VR interface, contemplating things.
For the more active reader of these logs, should you exist, you may still contact me via NeoCom mail. Physically I'll still be at home in the Kenkii, but mentally I'll be AUs away.