Monday, January 23, 2012


Yesterday was pleasant enough. I finally saw Kikia again...but she seems different. Greeted me as "Captain Jaiga", rather than any informal term of endearment or friendship. I suppose I shouldn't worry; her social implants she uses for her shaman work do that. I also learned about a rather awesome mixed drink of Quafe and Chest Wound; that stuff is great!

I went down to Stain via a jumpclone in Delve today. Managed to nab my primary blueprint library from the True Creations station in RLDS-R. The return trip was delightfully fun: I dodged many things in my Vigil.

Surprisingly, I didn't have a drop of alcohol to drink in RLDS-R. I forget that I never used to drink back in the Shaktipat days. A terrifying prospect, really. I'm just pleased I managed to grab all the blueprints safely; it's harder to find some of them these days...

I suppose I should get to building Arbitrators, now that I can. I think it would be pretty awesome to have a squad of those causing trouble for the Imperials.

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