Monday, January 16, 2012


Today I awoke in a wonderful mood. I went exploring, in the wilderness of Mikramurka, on Pator. I ended up encountering a large furry creature which charged at me. In retrospect, I suppose given the direction of the wind it was able to smell me....I had to take the poor creature down with a few iron charges from my rail-rifle.

I suppose the claws will make fine trophies. I had heard of this animal...a "bear" I think it was called. A majestic creature.

It took me quite some time to arrange a shuttle back home to space. I arrived to very much less fantastic and happy conditions. I will not speak of the details. I just wish that woman would understand how much some of us much I care. So I'm sitting here next to her in the infirmary, keeping a watchful eye on her.

I just hope I don't drift off to sleep! I want to catch her when she wakes up to evaluate how she's feeling.

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